Jun 6, 2010

February 15, 1945 Thursday

Dear Harriet,
                Things are as fouled up as they normally are.  Tuesday night I was able to go to mutual for the first time since I’ve been in the Navy.  That is to a civilian mutual. That sure seemed good and I figure I can go every other Tuesday when I’m off.  As you know, I only get off the Base every other weekend.
                I was on Port liberty but I got to thinking that on port liberty I won’t get out at the right time.  Anything that happens are on the nights I can’t get out.  I wouldn’t be off on the Sunday of the first of the month-testimonial meeting and the Saturday they have a fireside chat I wouldn’t be off.  Besides the guys who I could go out with from here are on  liberty.  The guys on Port are just a bunch of wild sailors.
                Well the outcome of all this thinking is that I saw the training office and talked to my Division Officer and got change to Starbid liberty so that makes me happier and means I’ll get to go to church again this Sunday.  Where as I wouldn’t be able to otherwise.  That’s about the only word from here except that I had another Guard Duty and two Big Washes since I last wrote.
                You know, working on planes like I do now that I’m out of school, I find that I get dirty and greasy a lot quicker than when I was in classes. I sure don’t like washing clothes with a scrub brush but I guess a good change always brings a bit of bad with it.  Well so much for that.
                It really isn’t what is on my mind, what I’ve been talking about.  I’ve spent a great deal of time lately thinking about Lila’s misfortune.  No matter how much I think of the situation I always come to the conclusion that it is sad and for those left here on Earth it makes things look quite dismal.  I guess it is awful hard for us mortals to realize that “death is last and greatest gift God can give to men on this earth.”  Probably you’ve already written me as to how Lila took it.  She is alright isn’t she? As you said, it is a Godsend that they were married in the temple.  Well Skip, I’ll close now hoping to hear from you soon and sending all my love.

p.s.Darling I can think of no other way to talk to Lila so you will please get this to her.

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