Feb 25, 2011

March 14, 1945 Wednesday

Dear Cap’n,
                I’m in somewhat of a mood tonight.  I won’t explain it because I know you know that feeling better than I can explain.  The reason is because I saw “I’ll Be Seeing You”-Joseph Cotton, Ginger Rodgers, Shirley Temple.  Fine show about a soldier on a furlough.  How they danced on New Years and had dinner at home on Christmas and hiked or walked like we did on Easter and just so many things that use to be ours.  The men who make the movies do good work because they can make the feeling come up in a lad fitten to make his heart beat right through.  Just like I’d care for to squeeze you into a tantrum,  I’ll let it go at that.  Just so I’ve made the fact known that my mind is full of memories and thoughts and my heart full of feelings.

                In some ways, I’ll be glad when my relief comes and these weeks of temporary duty is up and I can go back to the Hanger.  I’ll miss all this sack time though, working from 0800 in the morning until 1000, 3 hours off for chow and in the afternoon from 13 til 1500 5 hrs-the rest sack duty.  I spend it writing to a lot of people I wouldn’t otherwise-my uncle Ace in Germany, etc… Then reading that 700 page book.  Most reading since I’ve been in the Navy.  Sure like to read.  Wish I could do more.  Well sweetheart I’ll get this squared away now.  As ever,
Tell the gang hello.

Feb 24, 2011

March 13, 1945 Tuesday

Dear Harriet,
                I’ve got an idea.  This letter will be another stingy one.  Maybe I can explain why you don’t get mail on a weekend sometimes.  See we go ashore Saturday afternoon and don’t get to write that night because it’s so far back to the Base that I just stay over to the YMCA.  Then I don’t get back until Sunday night and write Monday.  It goes out Tuesday so that’s quite a stretch and no eloping.  It’s against my constitution.
                It sounded like you were a little bitter about that game with BYU.  Don’t know as I blame you.  That was rugged duty. So you got P.T. by tap dancing what? You teach that class good so you can give me the word and teach me when I wander back to the Home Port.  And I imagine how you’re eager for the next quarter. Something like when we’re wondering about our next Base.  Only finish off this quarter and get it squared away ok.  Not by sluffing, just because you like the weather.  All the snow’s gone here and almost all the mud too.  I’ve been in short sleeves for quite awhile.  You give me the word on the Gold and Green Ball.  Only wish I was going too.  Maybe I can to the one here the 31st, if so it’ll be the first church dance for a long, long time. I’ll leave my love.

March 13, 1945 Tuesday
Dear Skip,
                I want to be where you is instead of where I be.  Because I are where you is not and it ain’t no place for me.  I used to think the world was great but now I think it isn’t for I have gone where you is not and left you where I isn’t.  Kid stuff darling? Thoughts ‘n Love.