Jul 8, 2010

March 7, 1945 Wednesday

Darling Cap’n,
                Snafu and all that noise.  The only thing commemorable I did lately was going to mutual last night to a civilian meeting-mutual for nigh onto a year now.  Yep Chris took lots with the Army about a month ago.  He’s in Texas getting the rugged staff Prod and I got in boots.  I used to think Lois was taking Chris for a ride too but it appears to be that it matured and Chris gave me the outline of their understanding-very similar to ours.  It surprised me especially after the Graves vs. Peble deal which we studied in the making and breaking. 
                I hope you’ll keep writing some of those things that are hard to say and sometimes don’t understand.  Just do as you have been in writing as much as you understand.  In your phrases and knowing you, I feel many of those things and we’ll agree then, that we really are missing the time of our life being separated.  Maybe I won’t die for my country but I am giving part of my life because you-now are my life and it’s logical to say that the time I spend away from you is not much different from time taken out of my life.  For now my thoughts and love.

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