Jul 19, 2010

March 9, 1945 Friday

Well Katy ma Darlin,
                Same noise, snafu and all that.  Right now it’s from 0400 this morning until 0800.  This old noise of getting out of a warm sack in the middle of the night has got to come to a screeching halt.  Haven’t been doing much lately.  Started reading a book-saw the show a long time ago and thought it would be good.  It’s named a King’s Plow.” You may have heard of it. It was a best seller once.  I see why now.  Quite the book.
                You know I don’t know why I started a book when there’s as much else to do-letters, wash, etc… and I always did like to read.  Just got back from chow.  Tasted pretty fair this morning-eggs, bacon, grapefruit, biscuit, all-bran, milk, etc… This Base is really ok for  milk.  I get a small bottle every morning and usually two and that’s something.
                I hope all’s well and ship shape at your quarters.  That school’s being squared away ok.  A little excitement and romance a stirring.  A scrawny letter but nothing’s stirring.  I’m going to hit the beach tonight.  May have something tomorrow.
Toodle-oo Darling,

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