May 23, 2012

April 14, 1945 *Roosevelt Died*

Dear Harriet,                                                                                                               April 14, 1945

                Right now, one thing that is on my mind is that I’m sorry our flag is half-mast and will be fore 30 days.  I heard just a while ago and believe this country lost one if it’s greatest men in history, and we boys in the service of the United States lost one of our greatest allies on the political front. Let no one say that he didn’t die for his country.  He left his home and family to go to the far corners of the earth many times and put in hours at his work that would try any man’s well being and he gave many years of his life for his country and finally the supreme sacrifice.  I think he would have gotten for us a better more bountiful peace that any other man I know of.  May his reward be great as he once again meets his Creator.  We’ll conduct special memorial services tomorrow.
                Really isn’t a thing to say.  It’s raining a lot here lately. Sure will bring the Mississippi up. Between you and me, I wish it would cover the Base.  If it did, we’d shift our gear to Jefferson barracks for a little vacation.  One year they had to evacuate some of the lads from here in a row boat.
                I hope things are ship shape at the campus and an even keel at the apartment and diplomatic relations are of their best in your little female circle.  Keep on the good course and when a little rough going’ comes, don’t let it jar your compass or get you fouled up. Think of yours now and then and please, a little prayer as to our mutual feeling.  Think I’ll shove off to St. Louis over the weekend.  Heard some noise about a mutual dance, so maybe no mail for a bit.  No excuse for you though my dear. 
All my love.

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